Add a new ticket type

Within the target event’s overview page, open the ‘③ Tickets’ tab and then click ‘Add Ticket’ to create a new ticket type. A pop-up will appear.


Add ticket name/tier

Enter the name or category (GA, VIP, Concession, etc) for this ticket type. Additional ticket types can always be added later.

Please note that future updates made to the “Ticket Name” field may not automatically appear on NFT marketplaces for NFTs that have already been minted. To ensure the latest metadata is displayed, manually refresh the NFT metadata on the respective marketplaces.

Where customers will see the different ticket types


Add ticket image and description

Upload an image and a brief description for this ticket type.

Please note that future updates made to ticket images may not automatically appear on NFT marketplaces for NFTs that have already been minted. To ensure the latest metadata is displayed, manually refresh the NFT metadata on the respective marketplaces.

Where customers will see the ticket description during checkout


Specify ticket price and sales period

Enter the desired price for this ticket type, as well as when sales of this ticket type will begin and end.

Set the price to 0 for free tickets.

To change the currency type, return to “① Info” in the sidebar and change the value in the “Currency” field.


Hidden tickets, gated tickets, limited quantities, invite only tickets, etc (optional)


Add questions (optional)


Specify contract settings and payment options

Choose a collection name and symbol for all ticket types associated with your event. The collection name will be used as the collection title when tickets are listed on marketplaces.

Collection name and symbol cannot be changed after your event is published.

Select a blockchain to mint your event and tickets on, as well as a contract type.

For more information on selecting a blockchain and contract type, please consult section “7. Technical Information.”

Select a payment option if applicable. Moongate supports credit cards, PayPal, and crypto options. Please contact us if you will be collecting payment for your event.


Publish your event

Once you have finalized your event and ticket details, click “Publish” to launch your event.


Preview Deployed Contract

After publishing your event, you can preview the deployed contract address in the Advanced Settings.

The Deployed Contract field cannot be changed and is only visible for published events, not for draft events.