Purchasing & Redeeming Tickets/Memberships
You can redeem tickets/memberships through purchasing or airdrop.
Last updated
You can redeem tickets/memberships through purchasing or airdrop.
Last updated
Visit the event/membership page On the target ticket/membership landing page, click “Get Ticket” or “Get Membership.” You will be taken to your cart, where you can select the tickets/membership passes you’ll be purchasing.
Enter discount/redemption/referral code (optional)
Enter a discount/redemption/referral code, if any, and click “Apply.” Any applicable discounts or restricted ticket/membership types will then be unlocked.
Select ticket/membership type and quantity Select the ticket/membership type and quantity of tickets/membership passes to purchase. When ready, click “Next.”
NOTE: customers are limited to a single ticket/membership type per transaction. You can purchase multiple tickets/membership passes of the same type in a single transaction. To purchase a different ticket/membership type, please place another order for that type.
Fill out the required information Fill out the required information for each ticket on the checkout page.
If you are purchasing ticket(s) on behalf of someone else, please enable the "Buy for others" toggle and provide their email address.
Due to the nature of NFTs and the blockchain, transferring a ticket(s) from your account to theirs at a later time will incur a transfer fee. Providing their email address during this step will bypass this fee.
Select your payment method
Select your payment method and accept the Moongate Terms of Sale and Privacy Policy.
Complete checkout Click "Checkout" when ready, and follow the instructions from your payment processor to complete your purchase. Please allow a few minutes for your NFT ticket/membership pass to appear in your portal and wallet.