Manually Adding an NFT
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If you purchased a ticket/membership pass NFT directly from Moongate and sent it to your external wallet during the check-out process, they will still be available on Moongate’s portal even if you do not manually add the NFT to your wallet. This ensures a smooth check-in process.
Not using an external wallet with Moongate but still can’t locate your ticket/membership NFTs? Check out our guide on managing your non-custodial wallet.
If you’re using an external wallet with Moongate, you’ll likely need to manually import your NFTs to your wallet in order to view them.
Configure your wallet to support the same chain that the NFT ticket/membership is deployed on Please refer to your wallet provider’s documentation for instructions on how to add a new chain to your wallet. Below is an example using Metamask, but the process may differ depending on your wallet provider.
Campaigns powered by Moongate are often deployed on the Polygon, BNB Chain, Arbitrum, Avalanche, Base, and Scroll chains. If your wallet is not already configured to access these chains, you’ll have to add them yourself.
Find your NFT's details on OpenSea You can find your NFT’s details (contract address and unique token ID) on your NFT’s OpenSea view, which can be accessed by clicking the ‘Marketplace’ button under your NFT ticket/pass on the Moongate portal.
Manually add your NFT to your wallet Please refer to your wallet provider’s documentation for instructions on how to manually import an NFT. Below is an example using Metamask, but the process may differ depending on your wallet provider.